About Us
Chartered in 1918
Chartered in 1918, Oakmont is a small town located in Montgomery County, MD. Oakmont holds a town picnic each year to celebrate both its history and community. It also runs multiple programs to beautify the area, aid residents, and encourage environmental stewardship. These include a tree-planting and maintenance program and a compost program. Oakmont includes a small park, a path called Daley Lane that joins Oak Place and Oakmont Avenue.

In the 18th century, the area now known as Oakmont consisted of farmland located
near a Native American trade route. By mid-century, the tobacco trade flourished, and
tobacco farmers used the road to transport crops from the Maryland countryside to the busy port of Georgetown.
Around 1805, that trade route became a toll road labeled Rockville Pike. Traffic along
the road increased as Washingtonians regularly took the trolley out to Bethesda Park
to ride the Ferris wheel and roller coaster, visit the zoo, and picnic among the mature
Sadly, a hurricane destroyed Bethesda Park in 1896. In 1918, three neighbors formed
the town of Oakmont from a portion of the parkland. They sought to bring municipal
services to their rather isolated neighborhood. The three neighbors were Oliver Owen
Kuhn, then managing editor of The Evening Star; Charles A. Read, a printer retired
from the Government Printing Office; and James C. Adkins, an insurance broker.
​In creating the town, the founders gained control over some of the area’s services. In
fact, until the 1940s, Read controlled Oakmont street lights with a switch attached to
his house.
​In those days, the western border of the town was a model dairy farm called Ayrlawn.
Today, Ayrlawn is a county-owned park and a YMCA daycare center housed in a
former elementary school. Several of the original farm buildings, including the house,
are still on the property.
Walter Johnson, the Washington Senators baseball player (1907-1927) who’s still
considered one of the greater pitchers in history, played a critical role in Oakmont’s
development. Johnson, known as “The Big Train,” won more games than any 20th
Century pitcher (414) and was one of the first five players elected to the Baseball Hall
of Fame in 1936.
Johnson owned a three-acre strip across Oakmont’s northern boundary along Old
Georgetown Road. In 1937, he sold the land. This sale, and the subsequent
subdivision of the land, led to the opening of Oakmont Avenue in 1941. Johnson’s
home, privately owned and designated a historic landmark, is still located on the
northwest corner of Oakmont Avenue and Old Georgetown.
​Following World War II, Oakmont experienced considerable growth with many new
homes on Oakmont Avenue joining the older homes on Oak Place. Some residents
have lived here for 30 years or more; some have moved away and came back to
resettle on the same street years later. As a result, we are a diverse community with a
mix of ages, nationalities, occupations, and interests.
Our Government
The Oakmont Citizens’ Committee is made up of the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. ​These
offices are filled on a rotating basis by residents who elect by voice vote for terms of three years
each. Each officer is paid $1500 annually.
Currently these offices are held by:

Gene Russo

Martin Dziasek