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Town Meetings

Regular Citizens’ Committee Meetings are scheduled once a month on a weeknight at 7:15 pm at the home of a member of the Committee. The meeting schedule posted on the Home and the News pages of this site is updated if this schedule changes for any reason. These meetings are open to the public.

Special Meetings of the Citizens’ Committee are sometimes held to enable Committee members to deal with an issue which cannot be adequately handled within the time or schedule constraints of a regular meeting. These meetings are open to the public unless otherwise indicated in posted information.


Annual Meetings are held in April to update residents on town business, vote on the tax rate and other important issues, elect officers, and select a date for the annual picnic.


The Oakmont Picnic is held each September to bring residents together in a social setting. Residents of the north side of Oakmont (not part of the Town of Oakmont) are invited to join us for a parade, potluck dinner, and other activities for which Oak Place is closed to traffic. For the past several years, residents have hosted the picnic in their front yards.

Meeting Minutes

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

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